8/26/24: Sarah has been granted an R35 MIRA award from NIGMS, which will support research in the lab for five years!
June 2024: Teagan has been granted a Quantitative Cell and Molecular Biology T32 fellowship! This will support Teagan’s research and provide him with training in career development and quantitative biology methods.
May 2024: Sarah has been awarded the BMB “Early career (pre-tenure) faculty excellence in teaching and/or mentoring” award.
March 2024: Annabel has decided to go to NC State for her PhD! She has been awarded a Goodnight Fellowship, a Provost’s Doctoral Fellowship, and a University Graduate Fellowship.
2/6/24: After several rounds of written and oral exams, Jason has won a MEXT scholarship to study at Sokendai in Hayama, Japan with Kazuhiro Maeshima for his PhD!
1/1/23: Welcome Ban Al-Kurdi, Cell and Molecular Biology PhD Student! Ban’s thesis research is supported by a prestigious Schlumberger Foundation Faculty for the Future fellowship, which promotes the advancement of women from under-represented countries in STEM.
6/27/22: Lab remodeling in progress!

1/18/22: Welcome star undergrads Paige Churchill and Jason Hernandez!
1/7/22: Sarah’s R00 has been approved for funding! This award will support research in the lab for three years.
1/1/22: The Swygert lab is open